Lol 40K post.
What a retard.
What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
What's not high- my win record or me.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
If I had 40k posts between 3 accounts I would be upset as well
Maybe if I beat my wife and children I would be cool
Guess we can’t all be Amen
24,391 posts in 14 years
That’s 1743 posts a year…each year for 14 years
That nigga sad lol
That’s just his RB account, don’t forget the 16k from NC
Seems you two are horny horny hippos in your buttocks for Amen.
What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
What's not high- my win record or me.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Says the person slobbering all over his every post
Your words and mannerisms suggest you'd prefer to slobber on his pork.
What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
What's not high- my win record or me.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
You talk like someone who has definitely had a dick in their mouth at some point in life
You talk like someone who is about to have another man's throbbing member occupy his mouth with the intent of making that man moan shudder and collapse in delight, with no expectation (or even the faintest hope) of reciprocation.
In fact, you talk like what the first sentence describes but carrying tension in worry that the dude you've been shacking up with (at his place) will walk in and kick you out of his apartment that he shares with three other bros (all of whom you have played Midnight Meat Mission with).
What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
What's not high- my win record or me.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
So pretty much what I said with a dash of autism sprinkled in
You definitely have people on speed dial exclusively to talk about your feelings and emotions, but ones who can help those such as yourself with critically limited vocabulary and comprehensive abilities.
Chances are most of those numbers have blocked you.
What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
What's not high- my win record or me.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Ur name is a I/Eye wordplay lol