Originally Posted by
Jack Hallows
good question. i really don’t have “topic ideas” per se. i usually just start writing & the topic forms as the verse progresses. then once the theme establishes itself, i follow it to its zenith.
i’m not afraid of anyone jacking my theme though so i’ll let you know what i’ve been writing about, not that i’m finished/polished or anything, but the verse definitely found its direction already. kinda similar to the theme “ransom writers” i’m writing about how society writes a check to the youth and holds their minds & lives for ransom. often costing our lives to get it back. military, the streets, police, drugs etc. not sure how i’ma flip it all yet but that’s part of the challenge.
my advice would be to just think outside the traditional box & then kick the box into the fire pit. sometimes your lyrics will help you find your voice once you start writing. maybe that approach doesn’t work for everyone, but it could be a start for some.
sorry if this all sounded like incoherent rambling. i’m been smokin lmao.