Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
@Spree @MV
Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
@Spree @MV
scouring the dictionary for months, to put obscure words in ur bars, lame as fuck
Can you tell me what Kool-Aids made of? Exactly, so stop trying to make us research the most basic punch
Last edited by MV; October 15th, 2024 at 10:08 PM
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Put this fuck on ice, cos his gangster is a mocking scheme
This Stick will CM on the chest & he don’t play for a Hockey team
Think this one will be a preference battle, Spree's CM name flip was fresh & worked well. "his gangster is a mocking scheme" seems oddly-worded but ice link was cool.
MV's Kool-Aid / basic punch wordplay was dope & the personal approach was nicely done, I got MV with the edge on this one.
Vote MV
Cm was a nice fresh name flip on mv and any fresh name flips now days I regard highly however the cool aid / basic punch I thought was sick, wasn’t worded the best way with the rhetorical question but that’s a preference thing, it’s still clean af. Good battle here I liked both but I prefered mvs bar
CM was cool I like the fresh name flip on him but MV angle on the kool aid basic
Punch was pretty dope executed well
Vote - MV
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
Vote MV Dont drink the koolaid.