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Thread: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly (JH WINS)

  1. #1
    ...is STONED miracle's Avatar
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    WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly (JH WINS)

    Regular Battle
    Punches due NO DUE DATES
    Voting ends on NO DUE DATES

    1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)

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    first to 4 wins
    3-0 is a KO

    @Jack Hallows @daveDILLY

  2. #2

    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly

    sup champ.

  3. #3
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    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly

    good luck

  4. #4
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    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly

    yo dis hoe scared! ima psycho killer - so u dont want 2go there..
    my flows rare -
    & the glock will put jack in a box if i pop up outta nowhere

  5. #5

    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly


    this pred’ is incessant. he’s not of a respectable essence
    the feds should arrest ‘im.. cuz big D behind baby d is his Initial sexual preference

  6. #6
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    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly

    Dave’s was solid but a bit predictable. Saw a Jack in the box line last week, although this one was well put together.

    Jack was pretty great here, very creative. I like lines like that which take advantage of the format / only work as text.

    Vote- Jack

  7. #7
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    Dave, written reasonably well and the punch obviously works but I've heard stacks of jack-in-the-box lines so it didn't have as much impact for me.
    Jack, creative angle (by which I mean creating that angle from his initials, not simply the pedo thing) nice rhyming throughout & closed it out well. First time I've seen you battle & I rated it. Got the w convincingly.

    Vote Jack Hallows

  8. #8

    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    dave wording was fire but the angles too predictable to capitalize on it. was a creative take but a played concept can only take u so far

    jack i like the execution on this a lot of initial wordplays are corny but this was solid. the reference to initial i think is what sold it for me

    mvgt - jack

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  9. #9
    The Demon MV's Avatar
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    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    baby d is sadistic work fam lmao. this shit made me laugh. Dave was cool here. i fuck with it but jack had the comedy factor locked in and won me over this round.


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  10. #10
    ...is STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: WK38: HMM: (RD2) jack Hallows vs Davedilly (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    Jack wins

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