Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
@Slayerr. @KnoXville.
Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
@Slayerr. @KnoXville.
Hurry up I don’t have all week.
Coming to me for advice? Just bell your mate coz your last breath I believe you’ve inhaled
Let’s be clear the ONLY time I’ll give you tips to elevate is when I leave you impaled
bra you whack
Being side dude would Calm this Brat, Ur Girl knows Im the Star she smashed,
Cuz In all reality I usually ‘slayer pussy’ & She usually just calls you that.
Last edited by KnoXville.; October 6th, 2024 at 06:06 PM
I vote Slayerr I thought it was better all around.
Felt both bars were solid here but slayer actually had the more gritty his and Knox went more swaggy fucking his bitch with ism but I got Slay
Coming to me for advice? Just bell your mate coz your last breath I believe you’ve inhaled
Let’s be clear the ONLY time I’ll give you tips to elevate is when I leave you impaled
That's pretty good considering he's British. Slight marks off for "you've inhaled/you impaled" but it's a good punch
Being side dude would Calm this Brat, Ur Girl knows Im the Star she smashed,
Cuz In all reality I usually ‘slayer pussy’ & She usually just calls you that.
ehhh "being side dude" is maybe the worst way to write a line ever, but it's a decent punch I like how it's connected.
Vote Slayer I just thought it was more polished
I liked knox's bar but it came off as more of a diss, while slayer was talking grievous bodily harm.
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Slay wins