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Thread: Keystyle Cypher!

  1. #1186
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Rhyme words into intricate texting schemes
    With basic intellect can intercept what the message means...
    Blessed to be in a place, with the guarantee
    redux history is being erased...
    Up the hierarchy, bitches feeding me grapes.
    Word, dial it back.
    Shit is full circle, I'm getting 'a-round' to that...
    Decades here now, n' still got the style intact...
    1000 pounds, in fact, walk around cause the ground to crack...
    Wild, watch the vowel impact every sound of thr crowds reaction
    Break it down, to fractions. That's an order, fulfilled...
    The concrete rose with no thorns to reveal
    An apparition manifested from a sordid appeal...
    The last air-bender, dog.
    Intergalactic think-tank; rip the multi-gradient fenders, off.
    On the 22's, like it's 10 o' clock.
    Dope shit. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's not.
    The pen's hot.
    Numbers like a crashed Mclaren rental's got.
    Sometimes braggadocious, other times introspective
    Usually a mix of the two
    Which means you actually never know what I'm fixing to do
    Intermixing a few lines designed to align with their simpleton views
    Banking on perceptions that 'change' when their interest 'accrues'
    Crabs in a bucket...
    Money hand over fist, just a tad over budget.
    Mad at those with money in the bank, but don't actually touch it.
    Say they're saving it for their retirement funds
    Only for it to expire by the time that it comes
    Nest egg, imploded. Suit and tie sleuths decide your life from there.
    Back when you were quite prepared...
    Naked truth. But homie, it is my right to 'bare'...
    -- that concludes random tangent 1 --
    Interspersing every message, with random puns.
    Fastened their ashes inside ceramic drums
    Open doors for those that wish to see reason
    One punch knock you out of your Super Mario dream sequence
    Constant reminder of failure - recovery, failure
    Running out of your funds - no other money to ail' ya
    I mean, you're out on the run, until somebody tails ya
    N' you see a bunch of gorillas coming, like a Discovery trailer.
    Nah, let the don, key...
    "Is he who he says he is?" Well, probably...
    If they're out here, serving out food for thought, with Beyond Meat.
    Just so long as it calms beef.
    Segue from that to this...
    Irony, lines are non-binary, 'cuz the facts don't miss.
    So apt to give you an ass to kiss.
    Then cross back to it - that's a reference for the Catholics...
    A masochist couldn't drop raps that are this blasphemous!!!
    I won't apologize to you...
    Words hurt. I'm only here to cauterize the wound.
    All the lies assumed to be true. Presumably, you...
    Best align yourself to those beliefs. So, you are using them, too.
    Why are so you uptight, huh? Try and loosen the screw.
    Before you persecute me for my musical views
    The price you pay? Could be night and day...
    Could be the difference between selling your rights, away.
    Hard to see these heights, like a flight delay.
    Till you find yourself apart of the light display
    Despite the way you fight to keep the parasites, at bay.
    They keep coming. Don't think they're listening clearly
    Too busy being clouded by the revisionist theory
    Prized possessions, reprised, as lessons.
    Clear my mind and maximize the blessings.
    Faint cries that echo from my obsessions
    The quantum orchestra, synthesizing in live progressions
    Defy impressions defined by the rise of their suicide confessions...
    Last edited by Celph Taut; September 12th, 2024 at 04:48 AM


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  2. #1187

    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Vernacular presence, spectacular essence, the mack's pearlescent
    mastered the method, dish humility while lame's passive aggressive
    I said it's nice-art imitates life is the impression I suppose
    so my obsession with the ho's misdirection with they clothes
    leads to scattered undergarments passionately thrown
    but what she doesn't know is it's actually her home
    for underneath this floorboard a practice is condoned
    surpasses thee unkown-syke i'm lying..
    for ain't shit new-though we finish and she's asking for her phone
    I answered wit a handful of a known odor and she's ethered
    wake up chained up.. kids today writing this shit
    end up on FBI lists, he wants to kidnap bitches
    can't you tell it's all in his writtens
    these chicks he's calling them kittens
    next sentence starts mauling them senseless
    who's at fault in these instances?
    either way get off of the premises
    .. how they'd honestly end up probably ending it
    weird shit but yo it's 2024

  3. #1188
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Word, I'm just here to rap...
    Nah I'm lying, that new chain of yours... where it at? (run it)
    N' do the earrings match? (do it?)
    Weirdo's act like I ain't Debo around here - relax...
    Sitting back in their chair, chilling, until all of their gear, gets snatched...
    Now, go cry in the car. Take that. Take that.

    Pussy ass nigga - I'll catch yo' ass on the Way Back.
    Uh. This ain't a time machine.
    They never seen lines this mean.
    They'd rather give you some rhyming schemes, then try to sprinkle some lies, between.
    Oh, oh. Now, you cooking, huh? Wait -- Chef Curry?
    Forget fury. My text, hurried together, still make the vets, worry.
    Dig dirt up on me, then you get buried.
    I need this to rhyme, so, um.... Ceme--TURRY. (there.)
    No... cemetery. I walk around with the heads I carry
    Like the new version of Kratos...
    My run on here, has been legendary.
    I haven't been running, though. More like I'm casually walking...
    With this battery in my back, I can't imagine me stopping.
    I just naturally waltz in.
    It's actually insulting extracting their top ten
    after I popped in, one rap reset them back to their factory option...
    That's the sound of a reboot.
    There's not enough ice water baths in the world for 'em to recoup.
    But yo, it's '24...
    Why are they still trying to put the key through a crooked door?
    I was kicking ass until my foot, was sore.
    Gave her 12 inches
    She said, "That's EXACTLY what I'm looking for"
    Nothing was out of place, but you knew that something's a-FOOT, for sure.
    Eh yo, run that back. Give me a record scratch.
    Come on, you didn't know what was going on in those message gaps?
    You should've done a better job when you checked her apps
    We performed all kinds of sexual acts
    You would know, if you checked her past...cuz of her checkered past.
    I'm playing chess in a checker match.
    They expecting that high volume flow for these low-effort cats
    Uh, Trump on his second assassination attempt...
    Mischaracterization to try and place that blame, on the Dems..
    Nah, let me not. Let me a chill a bit.
    I'm still legit killing shit. Ill as it will permit.
    Feeling if, nah, shut the fuck up.
    If you were never down, how would you know what's up?
    You wouldn't. So, put a cork in it.
    Then twist that cork until you hear a pop.
    It'd be loud, but not if you ear was clogged.
    Old Man yelling at a cloud, raps...
    Indebted to my, "Why the fuck are you still around?" tax.
    Taxes, am I right?
    Wouldn't want to make the mistake of paying you twice.
    Shit is a medieval, hitting up online merchants for 'sage' advice...
    BUY NOW! So you can lock in this AMAZING price.
    Garnish your wage, n' they wonder why all these places, strike.
    You want to save ME money? Take a hike.
    I maybe 38, but, like...
    you ain't gon' take advantage, because my mama raised me right...
    Play the fool, end up playing yourself.
    Get info now, or spend your lifetime waiting, for help.
    Freedom of information, yet everybody is still dumb.
    How you gonna live, with no foundation to build from?
    Man, I'll slap drool...
    from these uneducated rap fools...
    The message may be Draconian, but you know cash, rules.
    Simply follow the cash rules.
    Or end up going 'nuts' not knowing your cash use. (cashews)


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  4. #1189
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    So much raps, you don't know where the hell they are coming from.
    Book of raps, looking taxed. Kids looking pressed.
    Straight as an arrow, with this crookedness.
    Look, it just keeps flowing; I'm hooking fish.
    What? They getting these rooks from Wish?
    Instead of saying you're the chef - chef - just COOK THE DISH!
    Ugh. Let it be known.
    My mind is its own person - I am never alone.
    Jekyll and Hyde, that shit is embedded, in stone.
    Speaking of stone... I'm wishing to throw mine, but, to each of their own.
    One step for man, and a giant leap for the throne.
    I said that weak shit? We don't condone.
    Given my history, I will never be an unknown.
    Nomad lifestyle, with the freedom to roam
    Slice both my wrists, and the result will be me bleeding, in poem.
    Or is that too astute?
    Too many pages from this forum that you can use as truth
    Wouldn't be a concern if I had the people to prove this to
    Music you play on LO-FI, for its lucid view
    Plane to sea I fly first class on the acoustic hues
    My life is far from razor edge, more like the edge of a razor...
    Sometimes, I pay a price that's more than my mental could wager
    Not sure what I'm responsible for, aside from this human sack of flesh
    If life is a giant lesson... did I pass the test?
    Forget metaphors, speak reality to you...
    So much so, you'd think I possess the power of voodoo..
    Ah, mortality. I tell ya, it's a fickle thing.
    I don't think many people are ready for what it will bring.
    One moment, you can be youthful...
    The next, you're floating over your own body... at your funeral.
    Guess that's too dark... anchor's off of the boat...
    And, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't want it to float...
    Leave a beautiful corpse inside of a bottomless moat..
    Taking your last breath, as endless water is clogging your throat..
    Type... type... then keep typing.
    Same old story, rehashed... yet, I keep writing.
    What's there to grasp? Seriously, who's the crazy one?
    When we're parroting where we get centralized information from
    Sources missing, citing uhm... that one guy
    that said that one thing, one time. I mean ---
    They seemed reasonable as they said it...
    Can't imagine that kind of fact checking is aptly pathetic.
    Even more so thinking back on it, after I read it.


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  5. #1190
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Yo after I read it, I put the quran down n said "shit, I still don't actually get it",
    I used to buss nut thrice daily now my wanking's pathetic,
    I used to do it at work, nip to the lav with a semi,
    Jacked off all trades I'm not the master of any,
    I'll attack when I'm ready, Once I've finished this bowl of pasta with veggies,
    I'll show up at your door while I brandish a chete and cut you to ribbons like tagliatelle,
    Action, I wear capes, yeah mate & carry bear mace,
    I'll bring a nuclear arsenal to a tortoise n a hare race,
    Fair play? I'll shoot a window through when I air 8,
    For stepping bent in more than one way like a helical staircase,
    They're on a square wave, but their angles are wrong,
    I wouldn't sine them cos of the tangent they're on.
    Paythagorus, mathematical one,
    I split atoms my divisions so naturally strong,
    See if they rep their city when the central mass of it's gone from a chain reaction as long as my vascular slong, In a space of time shorter than your inadequate dong,
    Could've referenced a korean guy who's leading life feeling like he needs to die but doesn't have the balls to proceed but I thought it might have reached a time where it's played out n a little bit cheese n chive,
    I've tried signing up to netcees 3 times,
    They don't accept me, me? Why?
    I know Mic resin's their champ n after I clean wiped him he cried then no showed our next battle n just resigned,
    But that was back when I gave a fuck, before I started dropping gay bars to shake it up n leave em with faces looking like they got aching guts, like an entire weekend of getting anal does,
    I wish virb n celph would change their minds bout this competition,
    But I've run out of optimism,
    Too many kids infect the site with a toxic vision that can't be cured with a docs prescription for amoxicillin,
    Makes me want to quit, drop the shit, Then I think to myself, "I know what it is, something was amiss", so ya know what you wanna do? Put a donk on it
    $250 Prize text tourney - Ransom Writers - sign up here:

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