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Thread: Titan of Tarsis Pt.2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Battle Record
    Awards Biter Award

    Titan of Tarsis Pt.2

    Tarsis faced their day o' reckoning-- granted they'd hoisted chests from a dragon's lair;
    I thus waged a plague o' pain and pestilence; purple, poison breath brought forth poisoned air
    That day, decay and festering swept the streets décor'd in voiceless death and voided stares;
    No noise, except their brains and skeletons being sizzled away by my toxic coil's ensnare
    Though they'd regretted it, I, raided treasureless, was left only this cave to rest within
    Unawakened ever since.. 'til now, as the traitor begs for help in shameless desperateness
    Each leg is trembling, as he kneels at me, and squeals, "Sini", for Tarsis faces precipice
    Simply for the sake of great benevolence, I shall aid his nation of knaves and selfish-wit;
    Imbue their blades with venom vile, nasty and virulent; so ghastly, no vaccine can serum it
    Even a basilisk basked in it would croak badly-- though sadly, don't ask me if tears emit-
    For we slay our foes gladly. Our march inward's nigh; As the Fire Dragon paints ember skies,
    'O Frost brings Winter's rise, Shadow's shade flickers by, and Death's hapless victims die,
    My breath shall wither rye.. my claws shall render blight.. and my wings shall then arise;
    Flap once, the winds'll writhe-- flap twice, and they'll whip up a toxin vortex, twister-size
    We set forth toward Tarsis' entrance, as claws rip through squadrons of guards and defenses
    The field's filled with carcass, and souls stricken nauseous from noxiously toxic incisions
    Launched from faraway targeting distance (the marksman precision of Artemis gripping a bow,)
    My saliva's spit, sticks to prey, and nips away at their armament's armor equipment alone..
    It seeps through their chestplates, then strips and corrodes them skinless as bones dissolve
    While they're quivering and whimpering, I listen to the sharp hissing and moans, enthralled
    Their bridgade-- they do retreat.. but in the air, a virus ingested to paralyze is effective
    They can no longer move their feet, or breathe; it seems they've a flare of sinus congestion.
    All they can do is shriek, as my tail curls around them in pairs to tighten them breathless
    'Til they're introduced to teeth, and I feast-- pleased once my share of knights is digested
    I belch out a new disease, before I bash my skull like a battering-ram through castle walls,
    Smashing all that's in my view to see, from the raiders, to the obelisks of its fragile halls
    Then return outside to find dead human beings, suffocated in the new disease's putrid breeze
    (Troops o' the king had an immunity, but you should've seen when I caught the flu and sneezed)
    Deer, racoons and sheep who had breathed it turned to mutant-breed, flesh-consuming beasts;
    The rate they grew increased to new extremes of huge, exceeding the cubic feet of 22 atleast,
    From toxic sewage stream fluid-drinks, and chewing meat from corpses of a platoon's deceased
    So in a game of go-fetch, I throw flesh into the keep; where the throne rests its pseudo-queen..
    My pets have yet returned, but rest assured. I'm less concerned, as bloodshed is heard inside;
    Squirms and cries, as men are torn to shreds and burned alive in the sulphuric fumes released,
    When I bellowed in a mighty roar, "To every blight below the surface side of Earth.. arise!",
    And the tulip-tree roots secreted their impurities, purging whoever inhaled its gruesome stink
    If you believe the stomach acid of another hundred dragons, even with sulphurous break-downs
    Could match Sini's sudden gastric effects, digesting food before he can feel full for his prey now?..
    Watch a man be devoured, as poison enzymes then fry him before he can make noises inside;
    Before the screams of his voice can arrive, and the bulge in my belly can be point at ten times
    This is not an agony explained; you cannot grasp his ceaseless pain, or laughs as he's filleted
    An attempt to replicate the pleasure, or fathoming's insane; how foul, bubbling acids eat away,
    Like the blight which smites this site of battle seen today, turning the grass' green to gray,
    A predator capturing its prey.. engulfing, swallowing it whole, as it, with rapid ease, decays
    They say that poison brings only corruption; that its fruit stems where every Sin begins...
    That its trail leaves behind smoldering destruction, and marks where every society ends...
    ..But where they see a path of devastation, I see a purge of injustice, to make amends...
    Where they see the Earth cast to desecration, I see the waters which flood it, to cleanse

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Battle Record
    Awards Biter Award

    Re: Titan of Tarsis Pt.2

    Andrew Flores the snake of Eazen; slithering in the mouth of grass; blades slash alas
    the day and night know no mourning; only for animals of dark origin; darkness inhabitance
    the animals are glorious; they are in pairs; the tree of light; glimmers as Noah's ark
    I am a snake, the grass is as green as my scales; for my essence swallows the oceans heart
    the grass is greener on the other side; the grass is green everywhere you sea
    For with every animal and white cloud flourishing; we cherish everything we see
    The mouth of the devil has spoken; his throat clearing the mouth of God; a proud Nimrod
    For we were born yesterday; and will scape the fruit as twin rods
    Nourishment for inhabitance; water streams of liquid sparkle shimmer in the daylight
    For when darkness envelopes my heart and essence; shimmer rays night
    Two fruits of Eazen, hang from the tree of light; Nimrod and Icarus; siss and hiss at the sight
    For we sea the light; for whoever see's the light; will hiss in plight
    two serpents in Eazen; one will sea the light; and swim and slither in the clear sparkling ocean
    For with every tear shed from the devil; the wet dew grass; is a heart's devotion
    The night and day become one; creating white and darkness; the moon bows; the sun has burst
    God and the devil open their mouths..for only one is heard..
    White waves overlap, colliding in symphony; waves glisten' splashing off rocks; subsiding in mystery
    Animals rest, for they sleep on white clouds; For I am a serpent praying on liquidious wishing streams
    grassy hills and paradise, cherish eyes; we sleep and slumber on mountains on a perished night
    baring guise; a fare's demise; the devilish serpentine seas through the disguise of a pair of guise;'
    Rocks and water splashes collide in symphony; ideas and cloud formations are beheld as epiphany
    the rivers and seas are riveting; the seas are sympathy; to the isle's of infinity; the seas of mystery
    the devil work's in dark mysterious ways; as my serpent brethren; a snake in the grass; splashes with the sea
    On God's rock he was splashed upon; persuading to the ocean's deep
    Nimrod and Icarus was magnificent; sin and law danced in symphony of sympathy's
    Both were astonished at creation; yet only snake eyes; could see the sinning sea
    both were weighed on creation's scale; devil and god collided as light and darkness
    plight was darkness; Nimrod and Icarus were darkness and light in Garden
    Yet only one saw the darkness, as one saw the light; one burned in hell's flame
    The other saw darkness, then saw light; and prospered in hell's rain
    Now.. the wrath is seizure; the tree of light; stands prosperous where the vast is deeper
    As the asthma seas churn; Nimrod slithers passed envious green blades of grass..where the grass is greener

    - - - Updated - - -


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