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Thread: Moving on write

  1. #1

    Moving on write

    sitting here reading old love letters
    they always seemed better when i first got them
    but i guess for now they have lost their effect
    the novelty of it all has simply worn off
    well i guess i've written enough . i really have
    i shouldn't really dwell on it all that much
    it ended because we both had , had enough
    you never got your chance to ever take a hold of my hand
    i'd love to forget , but from time to time i find something that makes me reminisce
    i wonder about "the what ifs" and if you ever grew up
    i always told you i would write. and just keep it simple
    just so anyone who ever got the chance could read
    and see exactly what i meant, just like me
    you were blank like this piece of paper before it met ink .
    the anticipation , for every moment was just contradicting
    because when we were together all we could think of
    was what is going to happen next instead of present moment
    it was so controversial we were truly the best at what we do
    passed out , pierced by the shards of your liqueur glass
    but before you heard you tilted your head and gave a laugh
    you were young and in love , they were jealous for no reason at all
    do you still consider me , anything at all?
    what were we thinking of? i bet if we knew
    i would have never called you. i would have just abandoned it
    but then again i probably would have wondered
    starting over , becoming someone new was tough to do
    it went by so fast we went from t-shirts to overcoats
    i spent far to much time on what you did then
    when you were to focused on being more open
    trying to come to a point i was at when you just arrived
    surprised that we survived any of the falls at all
    but that was then , this is now
    i'm moving on to college getting out of this city
    throwing away everything that can be linked to my past
    but keeping some things because they mattered
    before i go to chicago i'll work up some courage
    dial your number and just as it rings i'll be flooded,
    you'll pick up , and say "who is this" and i'll say "you know who"
    wait for the silence and say sorry for never really loving you

  2. #2
    Wordbenders Jawn Raw's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
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    omg are you ever wack i didnt think you were that wack. if your the cat from rv. haha

    Don't let me catch you posting hate like this again.
    Consider this a warning.

    Last edited by Mantra; April 18th, 2005 at 10:04 PM

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