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Thread: a change

  1. #1

    Post a change

    we're living in corruption, where telling truth is a sin
    this place is where the heartless at, destroying my dreams
    eruptions, corruptions and unforgetable destructions
    changed my way of living, changed my formations
    living day-by-day, sipping on soul-by-soul
    i've had it, this place is a broken hole
    what does it take for me to be me
    and let me feel free for eternity?

    someone tell me what changed it all
    was it money? drug? or is it just the way it falls?
    or is it because no one listens
    to those politicians??
    it's not right, i see children yelling worst case scenario
    when they should be home playing super mario
    what we need is a world revolution, break the walls of illusion
    a true evolution, a new form of nation and call it resurrection...

  2. #2
    hmm, i feel where your coming from, i to see it, but we can't change the world, or can we!!! but if we do change the world, it should be 1 person at a time, like a dominoe affect
    the poem, i felt the poem, the rhymes where ok, some rhymed some didn't, rhyme shceme was ok, it had good flow the way u played with words, i thought was great

    ex-it's not right, i see children yelling worst case scenario
    when they should be home playing super mario ^^^^^
    depending on how u pronounce it, it may rhyme, it may not!

    overall, good job, keep up!

  3. #3
    sweet... thanx for the feedbak..appreaciate it...."LETS ChangE dA wORld !!! lol/"

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