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Thread: The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/2007

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Battle Record

    The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/2007

    What’s up RB? Welcome to 3rd edition of The Writer’s Block! It’s been a while since we last touched down, but I’m glade we’re back in town. We’ve tried to incorporate a few new ticks this time around to peek your interest. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy ‘em. If not, then oh well! Can’t please both the goose and the gander at the same time, now can you? Actually, I just made that phrase up, and I honestly have no idea what the hell it’s suppose to mean. But whatever, you probably skipped the intro anyway. So enough with the chit-chat, lets get right into it. - LedgenZ

    "Top 5 Writers"

    Written By: LedgenZ

    Like always picking the Top 5 Writers is probably the hardest thing to decide on. There are just way too many variables to consider. What those determining X’s are however, is my little secrete to keep. With that said I tried my best to composed a list of the people I felt deserved it the most this time. With that said…..enjoy!

    #1. Engivale
    Engivale writes with a sort of introspection that was usually reserved for the great philosophers of yesteryear. I guarantee every piece you read from this man will not only elevate your mind, but it will also bring you one step closer to Zen and or absolution. Nothing about his work should be dismissed or taken for face value only. If you truly clear your mind and dig into his verses, I promise that the answers you’ll find will not only intrigue you, but they will also enlighten you as well. All the while keeping you entertain as you float down the most fluid of flows and rhymes that any writer on this site has to offer. Engivale will not only flood your consciousness with genius, but he will also expand your horizons so you may spread those mental wings and soar above the storm.

    Eng’s Best Lines:

    Speed the tempo
    "Damelo ... si siento!"
    Literal meaning is deceiving when read to flow
    Head to toe end the show curtains up,
    Alert and up to certain stuff but sure enough "no tiempo..."
    ........Oh, don't play the end, though!
    Hit the chord rip the word again while
    I search your words for "en".....you-endo!
    Spend, "No.... piensos, pagas mi .......con tus silencios!"
    Offer "vidas o muertos", spanish "c"'s lost at which
    "estar" and "ser" are switched "los conciertos!"
    It's not fair to most, But I couldn't care to post
    Any answer gives why I use spanish in this candid boast...
    - From: Step by Step Introspection

    Suggested Reading: Not quite good Enough.

    #2. Ace of Aces
    I think Ace of Ace’s might single handedly be the illest writer (with one exception, =D) to drop in the Open Mic over the last 3 or 4 months. So it should come as no surprise that this guy landed in the Top 5 yet again. It would be a shock if anyone expect anything less than to see his name among the top ranks? I mean how could you? His name is Ace of Ace’s and it suits him well. There is no exaggeration in his moniker. When this king panders to his queen he writes with the romance of jack and the humor of a joker, but he’s no fool and if ever taken for a spade, he will club you with his spear then pierce you with words as shape as diamonds. So be wary of his poker face, for any player that thinks his skills are a bluff will soon find out the hard way - that his Royal Flush beats you two of a kind any day.

    Ace’s Best Lines:

    When The Moon Fell
    Lover's exchange their last kiss with hands pried
    Without the land's light...romance dies
    So the night decants lies..flies on cue to burn
    As the world cries and tries to rely on Jupiter
    The view can turn, with every passing moment
    Because if we ask it won't it?
    ...Well that's God's task to know it...
    So love's lastly spoken, by the lips of this farce
    And the golden globe's glow...drifts into stars

    Then the world rips into parts...sewed by nebbish peers
    That leaned to the right...and left both its hemispheres
    Oh the threat is near, gravity arose to second gear
    Disengaged from the face that host reflection’s tear

    - From: When The Moon Fell

    Suggested Reading: Two Wrongs and Your Soul's Gone

    #3. Rawk
    Honestly, I thought this guy died, cause I haven’t seen a verse from him since Power Rangers was the show of choice. Anyway, I assume Baron arose from his filthy grave in hopes of recapturing the essence of what made him such a dope head back in the day. For those of you who don’t who this man is – let me help you out a-bit . Baron Mynd a.k.a. Camarac, is thought by many to be the single best writer to ever post on Rapbattles.com. He is also arguably the most talented storyteller to ever grace this site. He has a list of accomplishments that stretch from here to the nether reaches of underworld. This ghostly goon is no doubt on a mission to reclaim the Open Mic and hold it hostage for all of eternity. And the way that he’s been writing lately, it will only be a matter of time before his devious plan is accomplished. Need the proof? Just check out any one of the morbid, yet creative stories he’s produced over the last 2 weeks, and you too will see just how fathomless this phantom’s ploys can be!

    Rawk’s Best Lines:

    As I gave in to the taunts of those militant hordes.
    But I hadn't given a thought, to the beauty secreted in me...
    ...I had merely reached for the bleach - and in it was poured.
    I stood over the baths porcelain pique for a minute or more ..
    .. Thinking one bleak engagement,
    Sat in that bleaching agent could finish it all.
    And truly believing I'd no longer be the "Nigger" they scorned ..
    I refused to stop,
    Unscrewed the top and administered more...
    - From: "Bleached Nigger"

    Suggested Reading: The Little Drummer Boy.

    #4. Soulstice
    Soustice is without a doubt one of the most complex and or intelligent writers to ever browse this forum. He writes with the vocabulary of a rocket scientist. Honestly, his verses make you so smart, that after reading them you should be awarded a P.H.D. in recognition of your newfound intelligence. But don’t get me wrong, his verses aren’t above comprehension, in fact underneath that mountain of vocabulary there is a world of simplicity eager to be explored. So it’s up to reader rather or not he or she is ready to embark on such a voyage and be enlighten by this Buddha of text.

    Soul’s Best Lines:

    Another soul heads to the big bank, loans spent on atonement
    The same one questioned when he took his heart as the lone friend
    As a partner through the harder parts of the implosion
    (It's all caving in) Grab your head, grab your dreams and decode them
    Pull the ego over your eyes before the night goes red
    Why'd we do that That's what the modern blondie pope said
    Then I respect it Don't inspect this, it's hopeless
    Join the slaves, erode from the injections of perfection
    The opiates relative - it lessens your sense of direction
    And lets us detect that death wish found in your presence
    It's so fucking perplexing, gods among men living in fear
    Attrition's the nightlight, but faith exists in the tears
    - From: The Guide To A Perfect Existence

    Suggested Reading: God's Plan

    #5. Johnny 6-feet
    Johnny is perhaps one of the dopest mofos to ever post in the Open Mic. Almost everything he drops is hot. He has scorched the board on more than one occasion, and this month was no exception. What makes Johnny such a dope writer, is his ability to flow with ease, but also his magnificent manipulation of the English language. It's not that his vocabulary is beyond the norm, it's just that the words that he chooses to choreograph are rarely seen dancing side by side, let alone waltzing in the Open Mic. He's a neo-classical poet in his own rite, he's an innovator of speech and terminology, he will leave you memorized and spellbound as his verse take you 6-feet beneath the surface to the deepest pits of entertainment!

    Johnny’s Best Lines:

    I'm a street walking ceetah with a heart of napalm
    Fiery eyes blazing, straining hard to remain clam
    Heart's a runaway train, and it's come to play games
    On cunts who stay lame, plus i puncture strange viens
    I'm a runaway son of a nuclear a-bomb
    Mushroom clouds, pushing proud, dusty visuals, they harm
    The aftermath of the blast is a town with a glaze on
    I wouldn't know a cotton picking fuck if i gave one
    - From: Search and Destroy

    Suggested Reading: Speak the Truth


    Written By: LedgenZ


    Actually, I think composing a list of the Top 5 Up-N-Comers is as equal a challenge as is creating a list for Top 5 Writers. But lets push that blabber aside for a moment, cause I'd just like to stress for the final time, that being ranked on the Top 5 Up-N-Comers list has absolutely nothing to do with how long you been on RB. In all fairness you might be the considered the dopest head on the entire site for your battle skills and or audios, but if your impact on the Open Mic is just NOW beginning on a consistent basis, then this is where you will find yourself. In in light of that statement, being placed here doesn't make you any less ill than the Top 5 writers, it just means at this particular point in time you need to grind, stay consistently dope, and establish more of a name for yourself in regards to the open mic, once you've done that you too will be rubbing shoulders with the big dogs of this forum. But to the same degree, everyone listed here, specifically for this month, kind of did do that, and if they continue to do it and do it well...well...you know...Check it out!


    This is the 2nd time in a row that this guy has landed a spot on the Top 5 Up-N-Comers list, but don't let that fun fact confuse you, because when it comes to talent YoungenB can hang with the best of 'em. You don't believe me? Well, just check the SS for confirmation, he currently holds the title. However, when it comes to the Open Mic proof of his skill is rarely seen, this is mostly due to the fact that he only drops a verse every thirteen light-years. Which is why this space dude finds himself planting a flag on the Top Up-N-Comers list and not in the Top 5. However, regardless of which solar system of rank he falls in, his skills will still shine like burning stars in the void of empty space.

    Yung's Best Lines:

    When it’s pride the intention, that just simply cries for attention
    claiming the price for Ascension’s to buy the lies and invention
    And try for repentance when sentenced, to defeat from the start
    with a need to remark on reasons we’re marked as evil at heart
    Since a feeling that’s sparked from within, off an arduous whim
    evokes the truth about Martyrs & with them the darkest of sins
    That it’s hardest to win, considering we’re conditioned for loss
    since with Religion we’re lost in existence and missing its flaws
    - From: Eyes Off A Messiah

    Suggested Reading:Eyes Off A Messiah

    #2. GrimReapa
    Grim like YoungenB is another writer that has made this list consecutively, and like YoungenB it is not because of a lack of skill, but more so because of a lack of consistency when it comes to posting. It is just that he has never stayed around long enough to truly establish a name for himself. Which is a shame in my opinion, because the Reapa is a name that defiantly suits him well. This servant of Death has been known to kill the Open Mic with devilish flows and wicked tales of chaos and destruction. He has the originality and potential that can take him to greatness. It's up to him however, rather or not he will continue to mark the tally of tombs in the graveyard or set aside his grim duties and bring some life to the Open Mic.

    Reapa's Best Lines:

    If we can keep going, it’ll be good
    But fairytales have ends and I knew it would
    Fights as we argue over nothing serious
    Are lives mysterious as we act imperious
    Snooping around, lies and life full of deceit
    If we’ve come this far its to easy to be beat
    But can we keep going that the question I ask
    This is my task, as I pull down my mask
    My wife hasn’t came home and its 4:00 am
    She’s probably out there fooling around with men
    And I feel as if it is about to fail
    I still love you…This is my fairy tale
    - From: if we've come this far?

    Suggested Reading: father were are thou?

    Well, WestBank's name and reputation isn't necessarily synonymous with the Open Mic. Despite that fact one thing is for sure - his skill shouldn't be taken lightly. He's a very talent writer with loads of potential. What I like best about Bank's writing is that he chooses to focus on the more relevant aspects of life instead of the imaginary. Most of his pieces are very human in nature and can be easily embraced by people from all walks of life. From a technical standpoint he still has a few things to critique, but as a whole, he's well on his way to superstardom, at least as far as this forum is concern. so stand in line now and get you titties signed bitches, cause once then man blows he won't have time for the little people!

    Bank's Best Lines:

    As the son visited his father’s old study room, in the same house as the fight
    He looked thru old papers, opened drawers and beheld still with fright
    Gazing down, he peered at the Bible his father presented that day
    Before opening to the first page he broke down and gave Lord a pray
    As he opened the cover is saw a piece of paper fall to the ground
    He picked it up gently and read it silently without making a sound
    - From: Broken Hearted (True Story)

    Suggested Reading: -On The Ship-

    #4.Ghost Element
    Everyone seems to have their own view on Ghost as a person, but as a writer you can't deny the kid's talent. He has a very mature and poetic style coupled with imagery colorful enough to paint both the sea and sky twice over. Everything this dude has produced lately has been worthy of recognition. I suppose what makes Ghost such a fascinating writer is his lack of identity - to me he's a modern day poet masquerading in the wolf clothing of today's egoistical emcees. Perhaps it's this perplexing battle of self that provides him with the inspiration to create these wonderful testaments art.

    Ghost's Best Lines:

    she gave up life for a small acre.
    The young girl viewed the headstone round;
    tears flowed like rain and watered the ground.
    For years she searched and tried to reach her,
    a mother's love found, on a small acre.
    - From: A Small Acre

    Suggested Reading: Breath of Innocence

    #5. ImpossibleRhymes
    Outside of the Open Mic Impossible is probably the most controversial member to grace Rapbattles.Com since...huh...since I don't know who. Let's just say he should change his name to "Mr. I Stay In Some Shit". However, in the Open Mic, unlike in the FL, he's the one of our humblest members, and this time around he actually made the leap from being just another dope rookie to actually being an Up-N-Coming member to look for. What makes this young whippersnapper so good is his ability to create what seems to be an effortless flow all the while jamming it with a ton of substance and personal view points. His biggest flaw is probably the amount of ideas he tries to incorporate in one line - making his verses seem aimless and or random. Not that - that is a bad thing, it's just that RB has it's own preference when it comes to things like that. However, with a little time, discipline, a map, and some direction, I can see this man find himself and bring us alone for the wild ride.

    Rhymes' Best Lines:

    she's not really that of a stranger
    lifes a game so imagine her a player,
    displayin an act of agrivated anger
    happiness, love and saddnes though vaguer
    but if false then my mentality's in danger
    I gotta keep a straight thought nor stray thoughts
    this isn't some fake plot, I feel I traded everything I got
    now I'm left with nothing,
    except the blue sky, wondering
    if it was a scene in a play, or something
    like a phase and she was just bluffing
    I'm probably just delusional
    because it happened so abruptly
    - From: Love or Insanity

    Suggested Reading: Originality


    "We See You!"

    (Honorable Mentions)
    Written By: LedgenZ


    This section of the Magazine is geared towards the dope heads, that didn't quite make the Top 5 list, but are much to known to be considered Up-N-Comers, and are anything but rookies. Whatever though, they still dropped gems and deserve to be applauded for effort! (No ranking order required)


    Baron P. Mortuus
    There's just no point in reiterating just how meticulous and complex Baron's rhyme scheme is. If you don't know by now - then shame on you! Anyway, I'd much rather focus on his content this time around, because I think it gets overshadowed by his incredible flow or maybe it's just that it's to complex and or subliminal for the average cat to comprehend (including myself). Regardless, you can always tell that there was so much time and dedication put into each and everyone of his lines. It's like just trying to comprehend the amount of thought Baron puts into his work will leave you with the same result you get when you try to rationalize the origins of God - YOU CAN'T - it'll just blow your mind!!! I think Mr. Mortuus' only flaw is that he's simply smarter than the rest of us, if he only dumbed it down a notch, perhaps he'd already be inducted into Legends. It's either that or he's going to have to school us all in his Planet X jargon and academia ....so be honest Baron, the last time you phoned home was from a spaceship - right?

    Baron's Best Lines:

    1 lone Norse God awoke- his knees hacked as stumps
    bumps of old bruises covered his numb head- once
    he awoke- he felt weakened & old- grey & bald
    only a cloudy beard reminded him of his heavenly home
    He tried to move- but paralyzed he fell on his knees
    understanding that his own people no longer believe
    their own Gods- the weak faith led to his weak breath
    And his weak breath led to his peak strength to bleed
    And it bled in the oceans & 500 fishes rose
    somewhere far away-
    His death led to a miracle being proposed.
    - From: When the God’s knelt

    Suggested Reading:Me, Myself & My Misery

    Paramik? I like Paramik, cause Paramik has his own style. A style that is a rare mix between poetry and gunpowder! His pieces always come off as chaotic shrapnel to me, cause his lines are like pretty little time bombs of abstract geniusness that will unexpectedly exploding in your face. His verses are always wired with high powered emotional substance that will detonate like BOOOOOOOOOOM at any given moment.

    Para's Best Lines:

    "This dearth truths hurts and scavenges my burning eyes
    The turning of the sky, baffles me upon observing the cry
    I’m flirting with lies, I can’t decide or confide a deceit of flesh
    Threats to devour me, as I reside in the concrete feet of Death
    Excreting sea of sweat, critiquing debris of pitiful rupture
    As Death taunts my head leaking out my Physical structure"
    - From: Hidden Lies Eat You Alive

    Suggested Reading: The Last Breath I Take

    M. Pulse
    Pulse is very versatile writer, he's able to flip from one topic to next with ease. I like to think of him as the anti-contortionist, cause we refuses to be forced into any little circus box you would have him bend into. He's more of a free spirit, a trapeze artist of sorts, walking that tightrope between what's expected and what the fuck he wants to do. No need in hoisting up a safety net when M. Pulse is performing, cause the trill of falling is what motivates him to keep stepping.

    Pulse's Best Lines:

    He claims to love his gift, a power invested in him
    But the night he slept, a creature infested his skin
    imbelished within him, the intidy overwhelmed his mind,
    body and soul were now fighting against time
    his inclined crime sought to find in line companions
    but they to abandoned him in fear of his damndest
    He lands brisk just enough time for bear fists
    he bares against it in his own mind, fights the sist

    Get out for this has nothing for use
    least not for you, but me it's abuse

    O leave it alone, ive captivated much better
    Ill turn your body to stone,
    and feed off its endeavour
    - From:Sails End


    "Don't Knock The Rook!"

    (Rookie Spotlight)

    Written By: LedgenZ


    This section of the magazine is dedicated to the rookies that have made an impression on the board thus far. Not every rookie that gets listed here is what you would call a novice and or a new jack to writing. It just so happens that as far as the Open Mic is concerned, they haven't dropped enough or been around enough to be considered anything else. Even in that light the ones that get mentioned here still deserve some shine and recognition. Not all of them are the most polished of gems, but all of them posses the qualities of diamonds. (order of rank not required)

    Morbid Dream
    Morbid hit the OM about a month ago and since then he's been on a mission. He already possesses the groundwork and or fundamentals of a great writer, however, his pieces still lack that sort of wowness, that make good verse legendary. But Morbid's future isn't as gloomy as his name would have you believe, because judging by the well scripted, tightly laced rhymes, he's been boasting lately, Morbid's already on the right path to success. So please don't sleep on this dreamer, unless of course, you enjoy being haunted by bed-wetting nightmares. Muuuhahahaha!!!!!

    Morbid's Best Lines:

    What’s this I here, a haughty king challenging GOD
    A dim log. No one knows what the problem with this king was
    Delusions of grandeur control this king named Nimrod
    The Sustainer, My Lord raises the sun from, the east
    So bring it from the west if you dare to complete
    Forget the grief of this tower task that you’ll never complete
    Statues couldn’t help themselves. And they can’t help worshippers
    Teach people truth undisguised buy philosophers
    Pray to the maker of man and not man made ornaments
    I dance in your fire pit moonwalk styles but no screams
    Smoke screens wont prevent me, I’ll expose ya schemes
    Filthy lies be your ally, Even ablaze I’m so clean
    Your statues are defenceless just like there shmo king
    Your far from reality and your kingdoms end is encroaching
    You open ya self to opposing God, see you lose in the closing
    So Be you an example for every arrogant haughty king
    Choke to death on a miniscule gnat like a naughty chimp.
    - From: Nimrods Pulpit

    Suggested Reading: Mental Silhouette

    Alex Delarger
    A.D. is brand spanking new to Rapbattles.Com, but he exited the text womb and entered the world of the Open Mic a man and not a boy. What I mean is, from the seconded this kid touched down, he delivered the dopeness and didn't think twice about it. I was so impressed by this guys first 2 drops I actually PMed him in an effort to pick his brain. Low and behold, Alex turns out to be a reverse physiologist and actually picked my brain instead. Anyway, enough with the fun facts and back to the skills. Alex writers with in a cloak of darkness and with the pitch fork of a demon. His verses are dark and disturbed, but beautiful in their own sadistic ways. On the flip side, a few more metaphors here and there wouldn't kill the guy, but judging by what he's created thus far, in due time he will be the one merking the competition.

    A.D.'s Best Lines:

    The dirt provides a death bed, lifeless image's portrayed.
    While leaves hanging above, in the wind, they slowly sway.
    She lays mangled, underneath the softened, subtle blue sky.
    The beautiful reflection hangs within her coldened two eyes.
    The lack of life thrives in a growth, nature's surrounding.
    To us, the ignorance of life becomes simply astounding.
    The grass stands it ground, sadly, it cannot contrast.
    Unbeknownst to the death within simplistic grasp.
    Breezes brush her sweet hair, carrying abandoned spirits.
    Sad whispering: it rings, as the people cannot hear it.
    Decomposing on a stage, courtesy of nature's ways.
    She's left alone for now, until she's found in later days.
    The picture sits, one sparkle remains in lifeless eyes.
    Blood staining her clothes, complimenting how she died
    - From: Nature's Deceased

    Suggested Reading: Hypodermic Journey

    Suggested Reading: Soul Meets Body

    Interview Conducted by: Witness
    Interviewee: Illus'Artis

    the wittyness:
    Sup readers? I'm here ( on aim lol)
    with the dope topical writer and artist,
    Illus'Artis...sup dude?

    Chillen - Drawing as I type as well

    the wittyness:
    (lol) Dope, make sure you post it on RB.
    Ayo, what do you think of the current state of the OM?
    Impressive or not?

    Well compared to when I first started back in 03 it's ok...
    I rarely comment on any OM's,however, I do see talent.

    the wittyness:
    word, we just had the most succesfull month in OM's history.
    You were talking about talent,
    are there any names that are in your head?

    Legendz, I read a couple of his pieces
    ...definitely a unique style ...
    and some dude named Young B from Hence Forward
    he's pretty nice with it as well...
    I think he just did a new piece titled 'The Messiah'
    can't remember the actual title however it was a nice read

    the wittyness:
    word @ that...2 very impressive writers there.
    Ok, moving out of RB for the moment.
    What do you do? in other words, who is Illus'Artis?

    Hmmm a sexy beast
    Nah, Illus 'Artis stands for perfection
    striving for perfection in the wonderful world of art...
    When It comes to Illustration and the ability to draw
    an object, any object, with perfection
    is what Illus'Artis strives for!
    To be the best - which I will be in due time.

    the wittyness:
    (lol) that's a great attitude to have man.
    Ok, so, I noticed you dropped a piece in OM recently.
    Are there any more on the way?

    Yeah They are more on the way.
    Better ones , before that piece titled 'Lay Waste'
    I haven't script anything in about 9 months or more.
    Writing helps me vent so you definitely
    will be seeing more with better emotion.
    Damn I have like 2 other pm's!!!

    the wittyness:
    Dope shit man, we could do with talent like yours.
    Are there any new writers that you think
    have potential to be dope?

    That's a really good question , and to be honest
    I would have to say Young B ...
    I mean I anaylized dude style his word scheme
    and depth of meaning [which] reminds me of myself
    ..the content...etc. Which is why I guess I dig his style.
    Other then that I haven't really looked at any other youngins

    the wittyness:
    Word yo. Aight, I'm going to name two writers,
    and you say who you think would win, cool?


    the wittyness:
    Nique vs Nahlidge


    the wittyness:
    Bounce vs Baron Mynd

    Oh damn it, [that]would be such a nice battle...
    well they have battle in the past ...hmmmmm
    damn, I give the edge to Baron
    his style more to my liking

    the wittyness:
    Youngen B vs Ledgenz

    Ledgenz right now, dude is on a higher level for now

    the wittyness:
    Cool, and last but not least.
    Chris Black vs Atticus

    Both really great writers .... hmmm
    damn edge to Chris

    the wittyness:
    Word up! ok, is there anything you
    Would like to say to the readers
    or to anyone at all?

    Yeah stop sleeping on [my] O.M's, reply got damn
    it's annoying! People fall asleep on hidden talent
    and wonder WHY talent on RB supposdly doesnt exist.
    Oh yea, I hate know-it-alls

    the wittyness:
    (lol) Word, thanks for your time dude!

    No doubt, I would have said more but people keep aiming me

    the wittyness:
    (lmao) No worries man..PEACE!


    "Top 5 Verse Picks"

    Written By: LedgenZ

    Well, this section is obviously reserved for the best verses of the term. A lot of time and careful consideration goes into the selection and ranking of these pieces, so hopefully all of you will be pleased with the final results. Peep!


    #5. Johnny 6-feet: Search and Destroy
    If your a fan of high-powered-machine-gun-fast-hand-grenade-BAM-sword-slicing-karate-kicking-ass-whipping-wordplay, then Johnny 6's Search and Destroy won't let you down. I promise you thrill seekers that from the very seconded you enter that thread Johnny's punches and choice of language will have your heart pumping so fast the adrenaline rush you get from skydiving will seem like jumping off the backs' of cows in comparisons!

    #4. Ntalek:Lost Within You
    This piece was written for all the hopeless romantics out there. For all of us who like to believe in that little fantasy called love or like the great William Shakespeare once wrote, "it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never have loved at all." I applaud Ntalek for understanding and articulating the fact that there are those of us that don't mind embracing the heart-retching pain, because it's the only feeling that reminds us that we're still alive, but also reminds us to indulge in joy to the fullest, each second she sings our name. So emmos, poets and romantics alike should enjoy this. If your just a lyrical head, then you'll admire it for it's wonderful metaphors and nearly perfect flow.

    #3.Chris Black: If I Touch Her..
    For those of you that have been searching for a story that truly embodies the disturbing nature of the human psyche, look no further, cause your voyage ends here with Mr. Black's twisted tale of a potential pedophile that's only one footstep away from appearing on a DateLine Special Report. Perhaps what make this tale such an appalling, yet intriguing story is the fact that though it is graphic and inhumane content, you can still easily loose sight of the subject matter and be seduced by the same demon that possesses the mind of the main character. By the end of the read you'll feel terribly disgusted, but uncomfortably more aware of what truly lurks in mind of our morally deprived brethren.

    #.2 Witness: Intoxicated
    This verse is like reading/watching a Frank Miller inspired project. It has that real gritty, grimy, sort of Sin City type of vibe to it. It can only be visualized in black and white. You can almost smell the smoke floating off the tip of a slow burning cigaret, being puffed by a widowed vixen. In the distance you can here the copper's cars speeding by, their sirens don't mean much in this city though, cause there as common as humming birds in the summer mornings down South. Guns shots go off like clockwork, every time the hour passes another tot is born to a prostitute dame and another John has met his fate. The steam rises from the sewer tops to signify a new a day, cause no sun can breech through this smog infested sky of fuel and smoke. This is a gangster's world, a gangster's paradise, and if your not gangster's see, then you better not cross those tracks jack!

    #1. Elemental Soul`:Iced Out Chain Letter
    Elemental Landed the number one spot this month, because he produced the most complex symphony of social issues and ill rhymes that I've seen in sometime. Just the paradox of the title alone and how it relates to the subject matter is inquisitive and worth a few minutes thought. Not only will his verse educate and or push your proactive buttons, but it also entertained you, all they while not preaching to you, but instead speaking to you, which I feel is always a plus. To shun this verse is verse is to like shunning those infomercials that come on at 4:30 in the morning about feeding the hungry children for 8 cents a day. Sure you do it anyway, but come on, me and you both know that shit ain't right. so I'll make it impossible for you to miss this by posting it for all to see, besides if you've made it this far reading a bit more shouldn't really be a problem.

    Iced Out Chain Letter
    ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢&# 162;¢¢¢¢¢¢¢&#16 2;¢¢¢¢¢¢¢

    Media marketing's worse disguise serves to work the tides
    tied around the Earth, it's rise drowns the squirts, the pride
    is bound to hurt, foolish frowns disperse and glide, avert
    your eyes, a vert ramp above the surface divides as we slide
    into the core where blisters, splinters, hither & thither the shore
    Child soldiers that used to shiver now cut livers forming blood rivers
    The war for diamonds echoes, caves settle as they mine them
    Strikes are counted, one, two, three, a kid faints at nine, ten
    Aids extracts an Africa massacre attacking masses of characters
    The pastor's mass endures false hope, ask how this math occurs
    Massive axes slash the fur of pure blooded animals painted in dirt
    Vegans who complain to the jerks see no results made & it irks
    I'm omnivorous, but I still feel sympathy for what my dinner is
    A delicious reincarnation of a pig digested next to my acidic piss
    Just picture this, sluts who convert to atheism cuz the dude God
    didn't answer their prayers "Jesus, I need money for a boob job"
    Dusty homes, shattered glass, ashes seem assertive & beggars
    become burglars endeavored, hidden like mice allergic to cheddar
    Emerging the terrorists in expensive suits with offensive troops
    too scared to shoot the glaring truth so they put us in parachutes
    that lead into freezing oceans of lies while receiving smoke, when
    will justice begin speaking focused, rather then beneath this lotus
    Deep, denoted, while our dictators pose & become hell symbols
    They tell nimble stories about our condition, but quelled sin shows
    Authority's abused, supporting? we refuse, bomb's glory? we defuse
    Conspiracies pouring with the clues, this war is misconstrued
    so metaphorically, we lose, political parties that are horribly intune
    can't agree on the score we need to fuse, the quarantine is bruised
    and we're all sicker than a whore who bleeds for booze, mournings
    feed the blues, all we have left is going door to door to seek the news
    This warning is a flu & our sources are to view ornaments, confused
    We keep trying to fix what is not broken, exploring every feud

    This is an iced-out chain letter
    pass it on, don't have it pawned
    there are wrongs we need to make better
    You will die a dreadful death
    if you ignore this, you better support this
    unless you want to accept the hex


    "Best Collaboration"

    Written By: LedgenZ


    This section is for the best of the collaborations, for those parties that put their heart and soul into their art and work, and who's final result is something for the rest of us to aspire to or learn from. Yes, this is a solute to what happens when great minds think alike!

    Brandon Cee & Engivale:
    The House That We've Bulit

    This was one of those collaborations not meant for the weak of mind, because being that it's abstract and based solely on the authors' perception, it's requires a bit of thought and imagination in it's interpretation as to how you apply it's meaning to your own woes. It just appears to be at a level of thought and writing much higher than the average post. Both parties showcased incredible technique and magnificent emotion. I suppose no matter how you look at it, rather it be from a psychological view point or merely from a technical one, the fact will still remains, that both Brandon Cee and Engivale produced one hell of a collaboration. Congrads fellas!

    Brandon Cee

    The House That We've Built

    Why stand on this rock hoping every man will be mocked before I die?
    If I plan to just shock - showing any friend I'd stop to implore my mind
    Rewards with time are wasted breaths when living with collapsed lungs
    Yet I feel stronger today then I did yesterday, even if my path's shrunk
    I'm more than half drunk and this psycopath's touch is cruel in a sense
    A poor man with no hopes to regret and with my dollar came in-no-cent...

    Money is only what who loves me has told me-
    Sold the ideas for what must be what's shown me...
    Hold me, tell me I'm warm,
    Hell is a swarm that the cold brings that tells me the norm,
    We'd form groups and be worn like boots with past's fault
    Cracking last call at bars like cars on asphalt
    With open scars sewn for cash balled
    In thousands, Im found when
    My mind is split to find the last call...

    I announce my own - then take an ounce for the road
    so when I'm alone in the cold, I won't be exactly alone.
    I'm happily zoned out, my life has been snowed out
    and there's no doubt that if I hold true, I'll be there
    at my home soon. In full view, I think shapes and triangles
    I would have never imagined. Pitching up that and fixing
    up my table, so when the feast is here, I'm able to eat.
    What is a home? A home is a heart and a heart plays
    the part of the boss and I'm employed to living broke
    and far more obnoxious, so my humble office is a cubicle
    of cardboard boxes and I am at ease...

    I'm reminded of trees,
    So I put light to the right foot,
    And I like to look under rocks
    And wonder if locks are night's hood...
    I'm shrouded by approval,
    Removal of aspects makes this ass less suitable...
    Who's the will of human nature and ate your cubicle...
    It's ten by eight like prison cells that demonstrate
    Life's risen cells that men don't hate...
    We find out what the mind's doubt keeps asking,
    Harassing religion with logic's division of class brings...
    New questions, but really they're old,
    They steal me from Gold and declare Bronze
    The pawns to Platinum's queen of the cold...

    In my deepest of dreams, I'm the meanest of fiends sleeping
    Weeping with elitist machines sneaking up on the weakest of things
    The bleakest of meanings are more than serene when they wake
    And our fate means trouble when diseases are bound to erase
    Remember this face - this place is a disgrace as am I and it's gross
    But don't approach locked doors of oppurtunity without your heart as a home

    "Most Creative Verse"

    Written By: Tony B.
    We thought it would be cool if we had a section that showcased not only well-written verse, but also verses containing true diversity and artistry. Because we all know just because you have the best verse of the term doesn’t necessarily make it the most original. So this portion of the magazine is geared towards awe-inspiring creativity and innovation: With that said, the writer with the most creative verse is...

    Illus’ Artis
    This guy’s been around for what seems like decades. If I remember correctly, we were in a crew together, but that’s beside the point. He doesn’t write very often but when he does, its fire. I saw the name and just had to take a look, that’s just the kind of writer he is. If he were active he’d probably be in legends, this piece should be in legends...he’s just that good imo. I’ve never seen someone write so well, so effortlessly. There’s really not much more to say; he’s dope as fuck, don’t knock the hustle. Lay Waste …..Read it, learn it, love it.

    Trapped -

    Shackles on my purplish scarred wrist and ankles
    Flesh dangles bones broken body bruised, tangle
    Severely mangle stuck in a wall of war, wounds
    Become sores for a play area of laughing swords
    Flies mock my corpse happily buzz encore
    Maggots nest and feast internally as blood poor.

    Blood drips -

    From a deep cut a fractured wrist and journeys
    Through the deepest pits of my body, melodies
    Of blood hit and feel in the abyss gashes, veins
    Are ripped violins orchestrate immense pain
    Mouth that was tamed from the desert air
    Dares to tare a scream that lips couldn’t bare

    Skin Rips -

    Lips severely damage mouth very dry as I yell
    Help my vocals are dealt what the wind repels
    Hence I dwell in limbo wrist to ankle shackle
    Blood travels narrow passing my belly button
    That was gutted from crows who glutton
    Birds who wing a halo daily sing blatant

    Ears -

    Tones now my ears moan from Satan
    Musical notes that chokes a swelled throat
    And pokes joyfully at my flesh for comical
    Relief as the blood flows towards my feet
    Into the streets seeping through the cities
    Cracks feeding the sewer rats.

    "Where's The Love?"

    Written By: Tony B


    This portion of the Magazine is dedicated to the Open Mic verses that get slept on from time to time. We try to provide you with a little insight as to who the writers are and why the slumbering on their work might have occurred. So sit back and relax, grab a drink and chill - we're on cruise control.


    Well, I’ve never seen this name before, but he’s obviously not new. From what I can tell, he’s a pretty solid writer, but I wish I had some kind of background on him. I really don’t fully comprehend this piece, but I really like his word choice and the way it’s organized. Maybe I’m missing something (I probably am), but I’m not so sure Slopes is such a good title. None the less, this is a very original topic; I’m def likin the creativity from this guy. I think we can all look forward to some activity from Phade and if he begins to incorporate some multis and works on that rhyme scheme a bit more, he could really become a force to be reckoned with.

    LegenZ and Engivale
    Both of these writers have established themselves well on this site which is why it came to a surprise to me to see that this had only one reply. Perhaps the piece was too different and people couldn’t relate or it was simply too long (actually it was probably the title lol), but the fact is feedback is well-deserved here. I don’t think people recognize the skill needed even in something such as a Silly Cypher Session. I can guarantee anyone that some of the lines these two came up with wouldn’t be found in hours of thoughtful writing from more than half of the writers on this site. Atleast read this piece, give them the recognition they deserve.

    Ninjah Red
    I guess this guy died and came back or something. Granted I haven’t been able to be as active as I used to be, this is the first piece I’ve seen Ninjah drop in ages. I remember a few months back, his name among others were among the many up-and-comers in the topical area. Perhaps he’s busy with real life now, but this doesn’t seem to have affected his writing much. War-Raps...The Vortex Effect tells the story of a man feeling out of place through the use of strong imagery portrayed by a sick flow and top notch rhyme scheme. Short though effective, definitely worth the time to read.


    "Ring the Bells"

    (Most Slept On Member)

    Written By: LedgenZ


    This section is pretty much self-explanatory. Just wake the FUCK UP!!!Cause remember we do live in a universe governed by karma – you sleep on me now, I’ll step on you later! Get the picture? Thought so!


    Ntalek has been holding it down for some time now, but unfortunately for him, even after being ranked in The Writer's Block time and time again, he has never quite gotten the sort of recognition he truly deserves. But RB, like Hip-Hop, is funny that way. Sometimes the most talented artist go unnoticed for years and years, and isn't until they make the decision to leave us that we truly being to understand just how incredible their work was. Hopefully, in Ntalek's case though, it won't take him being absent to make us aware of his talent.
    Because talent is something this guy has a lot of. His flow is damn near perfect and the and the amount creativity that he puts into each and every one of his verses is something to be admired. He writes with the free spirit of a poet and the articulation of a Pulitzer Prize winner. His only flaw is perhaps his direction; sometimes he gets lost in a thought and doesn't quite know when to end or continue it, but mastering traits like that come with time. As for now it seem that he's still in the process of finding himself as a writer. However, just the sheer volume of his words tell me that one day soon his name will be mentioned in the same breath of great Open Mic writers such as Bounce, Evolve and Camarac. Only time will tell, but until that time comes, please give Ntalek some of your own time and check a few of his drops.
    A God's Son.
    Lost Within You.
    The Feeling Is Mutual.


    Written By: LedgenZ
    Envisioned By: Witness


    "Howdy-duty RB? You guys arrived just in the nick of time. Me and Marty here were just putting the finial touches on the DeLorean time machine. If only we could get this blasted piece of scrap metal's plutonium-powered nuclear reactor to produce 1.21 jigowatts of suuuuuurrrrrrging power at a propelled speed of 88 miles per hour, perhaps then we could jump start the Flux Capacitor and leap back to October 2nd, 2005 and have a gander at the beginning stages of one of RB's most admired members - Baron P. Mortuus."

    *Suddenly the Flux Capacitor begins to activate, the car instantly jumpstarts and they speed off into the fabric of time*



    "Boys and girls, before you exited the vehicle make sure all your molecules are still in place and exactly where they were before you left home- you wouldn't want to end up with a right hand sticking up your ...WOOOWZERS... we're here, we're here Marty, RB we're here - the year 2005!"

    *Marty Zooms on his hovering skateboard to get a close up of Baron performing his first verse in front of the RB masses*

    Baron P. Mortuus (10/2/2005)

    That rhyme was wak,
    Dre read it he'll give ya an all out attack,
    Ya lack defences,
    He see ya and ya kiss his tek, with which he blow ya teeth like a dentist.
    Don't ever rhyme again,
    Ya probably get raided in ya den,
    We street soldiers not scarred of ya bitch ass men,
    50 got nine, but when ya see him he'll probably give ya 10.
    So i betta mention,
    Do a robbery stay in police detention,
    ya'all be safe there,
    Lak, you can't hide elsewhere,
    And ya can't beat me, so ya betta prayer.
    Come rhyme again it's a open dare,
    Let's see how this time ya fare.
    - Data: Bloodz4life, this is 4 U

    *Dr. Emmett LedgenZ Brown, collects that disaster of a rap for data and future cross referencing, then he and Marty proceed to huddle the RB freeloaders back into the trunk of the two door time machine, so that they may super slow warp speed back into the future a whopping 88 miles per hour*



    "Spekz, we're not in 2005 anymore,you can chunk the Sam Booie throwback! Oh, Oh, Oh, we're here, 2007, we're back to the future, and look there's Baron on the podium again. Let's listen!"

    *This time Spekz jacks Marty for his hovering thingamajig and glides to the soapbox*

    Baron P. Mortuus (08/16/2007)
    forget attack- there’s nothing I lack that can’t
    be fulfilled with a bottle of whiskey- it kills
    me that I have to take it with pills see it spills
    down the bills I produce & the barmaid stills
    glaring at my face she shrills when I fall till
    the barman comes over to play host to my ills
    Kills me to see the look on his face when he
    notices the dribbling me- lying to his mercy
    I curse when he smiles so sheepishly he isn’t
    bothered about me finishing my meal- a fission
    occurs when he wheels away the mission
    men hold mission bells & they hold signs of hell
    drifting on smoke they toke on leafs- so broke
    that their tops only cover their knees- coked
    out their brains they speak of me as a gain
    for them to please some entity again
    out to notice the grey day yet isn’t it May
    no sun nor sky & birds fly away
    as I sway like some voodoo
    doll I go dark in spots
    blots of crimson appear in parts
    of my body I’m too smart to stop
    - Data: Devil's Sideshow

    *Doc collects the data, then he and the others zoom back to garageatory to analyze their findings .... 6 grueling days of string cheese and Ritz Crackers pass before ....*

    "EUREKA!!!!! I found it ... the answer!!! Now listen closely. When our study body (Baron P. Mortuus) first joined RB, he was most likely a novice writer interested in Hip-Hop, but had no real knowledge or direction as to what "real" Hip-Hop and or GOOOOOOD Hop-Hop lyrics consist of. So he did what all newbs do - wrote some monkey poo. But after a while he realized that delusional rhymes about Tech Nines and AKs weren't as rewarding as they use to be. As a result our subject started to explore his mind and yearn for more creative ways to express himself, as time passed his skill matured and so to do is ability to rhyme. The year 2006 is when Baron really begin to come into his own as a writer and not just a rapper. However, Baron never did loose those boom-box roots grown form the Hip-Hop tree; instead he deiced to axe the cliches and branch out into the more meaningful aspects of the culture. Thus becoming the conscious-meticulous-wordsmith Rapbattles.com has grown to admire. From point "A" to point "Now", Baron has proved with a mix of education, a bit of dedication, a little attention to detail, and of course "some" God given ability, any troubled Newb can go from wack to mac or in Mortuus' case from "a hell no-er" to potential G.O.A.T.'er (greatest of all timer)."


    "The Outro"

    Written By: OnSlaught


    Hey kids! Not who you initially expected to write the outro, right? Don't worry, LedgenZ just got lazy towards the end of the mag Haha, only kidding, the guy's a machine with this mag business! Well, here i am, and although i don't actively follow the happenings in OM, i still know enough about the community itself. This issue has come along like a huge cloud with a ray of light through the middle - LedgenZ has poured too much blood and effort in this time, impressively, and i've put my own input in with the graphics (as for the sticks and stones header; ignore the wackness, i was tired haha - next issue's will be better hopefully). A notable mention is also more than deserved, to Witness and Tony B, who have both been an unforgettable help in bringing the workload to an awesome standard.

    Personally, I think it's crazy to see a magazine this long, packed full of this many entertaining highlights. Yet still keeping sight of the intended purpose to ensuring that interest and quality is not lost - crazy, but true, I mean its being done before my very eyes, and I can only agree that the activity in the OM and the reception towards the Writer's Block has been so satisfying over the past month! I can fully see why both me and LedgenZ, along with the other writers for both mags are willing to get involved once again, as your support and activity simply throws us a reason to make a shout out towards you!

    The ideas being put into practice here are brilliant, not only are they entertaining and against the grain, but they also encompass alot more information than just a simple straightforward attempt at informing.
    All of your ideas will help make this mag exactly what you want, so be sure to address us directly with comments and suggestions, and let us throw them into practice for you as soon as we can!

    Once again though people, i hope you've enjoyed the issue - be sure to appreciate the time that has been invested in these magazines, and be prepared to enjoy a long line of high standard magazines designed for your enjoyment! PEACE!

    Be sure to check out the August edition of the Poetic Scriptures Magazine (If you haven't already!)

    Click Here!


    "What The Fucks"

    As Stated By: Witness


    @ OM being the best forum on the site!

    @ people who bitch about not being mentioned - here's some advice - get better!

    @ last month's hall of fame, that was some dope shit!

    @ the mag team being so sexy!

    @ me still being awake!


    Last edited by LedgenZ; September 9th, 2007 at 08:52 PM

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Battle Record

    Re: The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/20

    Re-post for personal reference

  3. #3
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    Re: The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/20

    test 1

  4. #4
    Chemo sick Plexus's Avatar
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    Re: The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/20

    wait...sorry but Rawk isnt baron lol...

    RAWK is ghost element...

    and isnt this an old one???

    whys it posted?? lol
    Monster's Ink


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  5. #5
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    Re: The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/20

    Yeah I know Ghost has Rawks account, he was Baron when this was posted. Any yeah this is the old one, but I was doing some top secrete experiment I'm not at liberty to say. Sorry man....

  6. #6
    Chemo sick Plexus's Avatar
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    Re: The Writer's Block: 3rd Edition 08/17-09/06/20

    *waits for agents to pop out of no where*
    Monster's Ink


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    Courtesy of: Elvis Freshly

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