WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (CHREE WINS)
Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
Rebuttal Option
both competitors must agree to it at time of check-in
format is A, B, B, A (A posts first, B drops next, B posts follow-up, A drops final bar)
You have 24hrs from when battle was set to agree on rebuttal battle
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
@Lady Poet
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0)
I dont understand the rules lets go.
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0)
I can tell you new to this
drop one bar Punchline
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0)
Lady Poet? Thats just a Lady Hoe'n,
she's been getting more sack to face than Baby Yoda!
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0)
You're the devil's advocated, but I'm not fazed,
Got bullets in my lyrics, leave your spirit razed.
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Both bars pretty weak; sacks to the face than baby yoda was the better diss but it wasn’t good enough to offset the fact it didn’t rhyme. At least LPs rhymed. I’ve said chrees in several ways and just cannot see a world where that rhymes
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Tough call. I’m conscious that I’m going to have to make an effort to judge these bars on their own merits as I’m biased; LP conducts herself like a boss whereas Chree’s a rizzless weasel shit.
Chree’s punch was decent. The raze/raise spirits wordplay in LP’s was great, but the rest of her bar felt like it could’ve been used better. I don’t think Yoda rhymes with Hoe’n, but I like the fact that Chree went for a multi. LP’s rhyme was cleaner but only a single syllable rhyme.
Rooting for LP to get a win, but unfortunately I think I’m gonna have to vote for Chree by a narrow margin.
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Probably the best bar ove seen from lady poet. With the razed wp.
Chree I thought the rhyme could work saying it out loud so I see no issue there. The punch itself is week though.
Although I say chree is weak and gave props to lp, this is super close. But ima edge it to chree because his just flowed a little better
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
both aint bring much
but cree was directed harder
i guess
winner cree
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0)
Originally Posted by
Lady Poet? Thats just a Lady Hoe'n,
she's been getting more sack to face than Baby Yoda!
... i gotta go with Chree on this one...lp just didt match his wp.. never seen a yoda/sack pun
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
i have chree taking this one, by a hair
Re: WK35: Lady Poet (0-10) vs Chree (0-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)